On October 12, Cheng Li spoke at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on the upcoming U.S. election and a looming leadership transition in China, where next fall’s 19th Party Congress is expected to result in the largest turnover of Central Committee members in four decades.
As protectionist sentiments gain traction, related policies are almost certain to backfire and hurt the U.S. economy. Instead, David Dollar argues for inducing China to become a more-normal trading and investing nation.
United States alliances with East Asian countries are not a fight-for-cash proposition, as Donald Trump continues to suggest. Richard Bush argues that they are an important instrument of U.S. national security strategy that should be protected.
The John L. Thornton China Center develops timely, independent analysis and policy recommendations to help U.S. and Chinese leaders address key long-term challenges, both in terms of U.S.-China relations and China's internal development.