Event Registration


    The Venezuelan refugee crisis: Challenges and solutions

    When: Friday, April 13, 2018, 10:00 — 11:30 a.m.

    Where: The Brookings Institution, Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC


    The current mass exodus of Venezuelans into neighboring Colombia and other South American countries has the potential to become the largest refugee crisis since the eruption of the Syrian civil war. Official figures place the number of Venezuelan residents in Colombia at 600,000 alone, with observers on the ground estimating the real number to be much higher. To manage such an enormous challenge, the international community—including the U.N. system, international institutions, and other private, public, and multilateral stakeholders—will have to work together to mobilize the necessary resources and forge a collective response that provides relief to suffering Venezuelans fleeing their country.

    On April 13, the Brookings Global-CERES Economic and Social Policy in Latin America Initiative (ESPLA) and the Latin America Initiative at Brookings will co-host a discussion with regional and humanitarian experts on the Venezuelan refugee crisis and the national, regional, and global responses.

    Following the conversation, panelists will take audience questions.

    This event has reached capacity and registration is now closed.