Event Registration


    The future of the middle class
    Featuring keynote remarks by Vice President Joe Biden

    When: Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 9:00 — 11:45 a.m.

    Where: The Brookings Institution, Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC


    As U.S. economic growth slows and the proceeds of growth become less evenly distributed, the middle class is feeling the pinch—and feeling left behind. This squeeze on the middle class is already influencing the U.S. and global political economies. Efforts by policymakers to protect the middle class are having global, as well as domestic, repercussions.

    On May 8, the new Future of the Middle Class Initiative at Brookings and the Biden Foundation will co-host a forum on the Future of the Middle Class, featuring a keynote address by Vice President Joe Biden. 

    The event will also include a panel discussion on defining the middle class, moderated by Camille Busette, director of the Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative at Brookings. As policymakers look for solutions to bolster middle class prosperity, their efforts are complicated by the fact that there are almost as many definitions of the middle class as there are people in it. To design policies that will improve the condition of the middle class and help more people achieve middle-class lifestyles, it is crucial to first develop an understanding of who the middle class is and what challenges it faces, now and in the future. The panel on defining the middle class will be followed by a discussion on barriers to middle-class prosperity, moderated by Ben Harris.

    This event has reached capacity and registration is now closed.

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