Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST
Online: https://www.brookings.edu/events/japan-in-2023/
The year 2023 is already shaping up to be a consequential one for Japan’s role in the region and wider global stage. A new National Security Strategy promises to significantly bump up defense spending as part of broader changes to Japan’s defense architecture and security policy. In spring, Hiroshima will be the site of the G7 leaders’ summit as Japan takes over the G7 presidency for the year. Opportunities for closer cooperation with allies and partners glimmer on the horizon, yet tensions with China, concerns over the stability of the Taiwan Strait, and the threat of a nuclear North Korea persist. At home, the economy struggles to gain momentum coming out of a prolonged pandemic and energy hikes have fueled inflation. The domestic political scene is still recalibrating after the loss of one of the country’s most impactful political figures, Shinzo Abe. What developments can we expect out of Japan in 2023? And how will they influence regional and global developments?.
On January 24, the Center for East Asia Policy Studies at Brookings and the Japan-America Society of Washington DC will host the ninth annual Japan in the Year program, “Japan in 2023.” Senior and next-generation Japanese and American experts will look ahead at what’s in store for the year ahead in Japan’s foreign policy and domestic affairs.
Online viewers can submit questions by emailing events@brookings.edu or on Twitter using #Japanin2023.
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