Event Registration


    Preserving manufacturing in the COVID-19 economy
    Ninth annual John Hazen White Forum on Public Policy

    When: Thursday, July 9, 2020, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. EDT

    Online only: https://www.brookings.edu/events/preserving-manufacturing-in-the-covid-19-economy/

    What: The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the manufacturing sector. In conjunction with the economic downturn, it has altered operations, supply chains, and output. The networks of American manufacturing are interwoven and responsible for moving an enormous volume and variety of international and domestic goods. Going forward, there are questions about how to preserve and protect manufacturing in the new and volatile environment.

    On July 9, Governance Studies at Brookings will host a webinar on the current manufacturing landscape and what lies ahead. Panelists will examine ways to revitalize and renew growth amid the health and economic crisis. The event marks the ninth annual John Hazen White Forum on Public Policy, which convenes leaders from academia, business, and government to discuss and identify solutions to the most pressing challenges facing the United States’ manufacturing industry.

    Viewers can submit questions for speakers by emailing events@brookings.edu or via Twitter at @BrookingsGov by using #USmfg.

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