Event Registration


    Aligning technology governance with democratic values

    When: Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 12:45 - 4:00 p.m. EDT

    Online only: https://www.brookings.edu/events/aligning-technology-governance-with-democratic-values/

    What: Technology policy has become a defining issue of global politics. Digital platforms and infrastructures have fostered greater connection and community around the world, but they have also empowered malicious actors and regimes. Likewise, artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies have given rise to new breakthroughs in science and medicine, as well as new forms of surveillance and repression. The new technologies promise greater economic prosperity, but they can also worsen economic disparities that can undermine democratic governance. A central challenge democratic societies face is how to govern advanced technologies in a way that reinforces liberal norms and values while outcompeting authoritarian models.

    The global spread of these technologies has raised pressing governance questions. What can democratic societies do to ensure the responsible development and deployment of trustworthy AI? What kind of coalitions and institutions will be required for democratic models of technology governance to take root globally? And how can democratic governments regulate digital platforms responsibly and effectively?

    On October 27, the Brookings Global Forum on Democracy and Technology will host a symposium to address these and other challenges to developing technologies that can strengthen democratic societies around the world.

    Viewers can submit questions by emailing events@brookings.edu.

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