When: Monday, November 16, 2020, 9:45 - 11:45 a.m. EST
Online only: https://www.brookings.edu/events/trans-atlantic-cooperation-and-the-international-order-after-the-u-s-election
What: Over the past four years, the United States has often abdicated its traditional leadership role, leaving allies across the Atlantic to fend for themselves. Now, as Americans and Europeans alike process the results of the U.S. election, significant practical and political questions about the future of the trans-Atlantic relationship and the global order abound. With Joe Biden in the White House, will European leaders be willing to once again rely on the U.S. as an ally? While a Biden administration will certainly be more friendly to trans-Atlantic relations and multilateralism, will this shift be lasting or merely a lapse amid an increasingly isolationist era of American foreign policy? With Republicans likely to retain control of the Senate, what impact would a divided government have on the new administration’s foreign policy?
On Monday, November 16, Foreign Policy at Brookings will host a panel discussion to consider these questions and other implications of the next U.S. administration for the future of the international order and trans-Atlantic cooperation.
Viewers can submit questions via email to events@brookings.edu or on Twitter using #BBTI.
This event is part of the Brookings – Robert Bosch Foundation Transatlantic Initiative, which aims to build up and expand resilient networks and trans-Atlantic activities to analyze and work on issues concerning trans-Atlantic relations and social cohesion in Europe and the United States.